Bloomsbury Summer School (text)

Bloomsbury Summer School

Ibis (mobile-only branding graphic)

Fascinated by ancient civilisations?

We offer anyone with any level of knowledge, inspiring short courses on ancient Egypt and other areas of the ancient world.

Video course and study day payment options


Pay by bank transfer

  • To pay by bank trasnfer, please send the course or study day fee to the BSS account below. Once you have sent payment, email Dr Kathryn Piquette at: with the name of the course or study day videos purchased.


    Account name:

    National Westminster Bank plc

    Bank address:
    Tottenham Court Road Branch
    45 Tottenham Court Road
    London W1T 2EA

    • UK payments
      Sort Code: 56-00-31
      Account no.: 33996008

    • International payments
      BIC: NWBK GB 2L
      IBAN: GB52 NWBK 560031 33996008


  • Pay by cheque

    To pay by cheque, please contact Dr Kathryn Piquette at: for payment instructions.


    Pay with PayPal

    To pay with PayPal, please use the PayPal button under the course or study day listing.


    Please review our Privacy Policy before sending payment.