Bloomsbury Summer School

Fascinated by ancient civilisations?
We offer anyone with any level of knowledge, inspiring short courses on ancient Egypt and other areas of the ancient world.
2025 Course Fees and Booking Options
Course fees
Per person per course:
- 1-day course livestreamed and / or video: Special offer! £35*
- 4-day course livestreamed and / or video: Early bird £220 / after 28 February £240*
- 5-day course livestreamed and / or video: Early bird £270 / after 28 February £290*
- 5-day course in person: Early bird £350 / after 28 February £370*
* If you cannot attend on the day, note that most courses will be available on video recording after the course runs.
A non-returnable fee of £100 is included in the cost of each 4- or 5-day course; the 1- and 2-day course fees are non-returnable (but see cancellation policy below).
Fees are payable by bank transfer (our preferred method), cheque (in sterling), or PayPal via the links which appear under each course listing.
Booking and payment options
Pay by bank transfer (BSS account details below) – Download and complete this booking form.
Once you have sent payment, email the completed booking form to Dr Kathryn Piquette at: kathryn@bloomsburysummerschool.co.uk.
NB: The EARLY BIRD rate only applies to full payments received by 28 February (see course for offer end date).
Account name:
National Westminster Bank plc
Bank address:
Tottenham Court Road Branch
45 Tottenham Court Road
London W1T 2EA
UK payments
Sort Code: 56-00-31
Account no.: 33996008
International payments
IBAN: GB52 NWBK 560031 33996008
UK payments
Pay by cheque – Download a booking form – complete and email it to Dr Kathryn Piquette at: kathryn@bloomsburysummerschool.co.uk. Then send a non-returnable desposit of £100 for each course booked or the full amount.
NB: The EARLY BIRD rate only applies to full payments received by 31 December / 28 February (see course for offer end date).
- Pay using PayPal – Online payments to Bloomsbury Summer School are securely processed by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay your course fees online, choose between Credit / Debit Card or PayPal when you're ready to make your payment. PayPal's shopping cart uses web cookies and requires the acceptance of terms and conditions. To book more than one course please select 'continue shopping' in the shopping cart before checking out. Note that the full fee for each course is payable immediately (of which £100 is a non-returnable deposit for 4- and 5-day courses). With this payment option, there is no need to send a booking form as PayPal sends us your course details and contact information.
Please review our Privacy Policy before booking
Cancellations and refunds
In the event of enrolee cancellation* of a course booking, or withdrawal without notice, a scale of charges will apply, so you might like to take out suitable insurance cover. Refunds will be given in accordance with the following scale, LESS the £100 deposit (no refund for 1-day or 2-day courses *):
- Notice of 6 weeks or more: 100%
- Notice of between 6 weeks and 3 weeks: 50%
- Notice of less than 3 weeks and no-shows: no refund
- If a course offered in-person is forced to run online due to changes in UCL's COVID policy, and participants do not want to take the course online, vouchers will be issued for the amount paid. Otherwise our refund policy above applies.
* Cancellation by BSS (e.g. due to COVID-19): 100%
BSS Bursary Scheme
Bloomsbury Summer School runs a modest bursary scheme, offering unfilled places on our spring and summer courses to those who would find it challenging to pay our course fees. We are usually able to offer a discount of about 30% off the full fee for a small number of places (discount applies to 3-, 4-, and 5-day courses only). Contact us for details on how to apply: kathryn@bloomsburysummerschool.co.uk.
All you need do after you have sent in an application is try to keep your diary clear of important engagements for the relevant week(s). The process of awarding bursary places usually begins at the end of February for spring courses and end of May for summer courses.
There is of course no guarantee that a bursary place on a given course will arise at all, and even when bursary places do become available, they sometimes do so rather late in the day, as a consequence of last-minute student cancellation.